Benjamin Niespodziany /
May 8, 2019
While Drinking Sangria

About The Author

Benjamin Niespodziany

Benjamin Niespodziany is a librarian at the University of Chicago. He runs the multimedia art blog [neonpajamas] as well as the publication Handcastle Magazine. He has had work published in Paper Darts, Cheap Pop, Pithead Chapel, and various others. Despite numerous attempts, he has yet to sprout wings in any of his lucid dreams.

I have a love/hate relationship with reality. In my free time, I often escape through surrealist literature or ambient albums or cartoons a bit off their rockers. The strange and fantastic has always helped to heighten my mood. The media I consume involves leaking moons, blue cities, and elevators that never end. My prose poem is the heartbreaking embodiment of an attempt to escape. To become a fairy tale. The real world can sometimes be difficult for dreamers, but I’m still looking for a stranger to offer me some wings.