“…[F]or me, the fairy tale begins when the yellow light magically appears, the same pale yellow light that magically appears with the quick flick of electricity. Its effects are–incandescent, illuminating, a nested home.” ~ Lily Hoang
Emily Carr, Betsy Cornwell, Sandra Doller, Espido Freire, Carmen Gimenez Smith, Joshua Helms, Anna Maria Hong, Kim Hyesoon, Lo Kwa Mei-En, Ben Loory, Dawn Manning, Peter Markus, Zachary Mason, Janet McNally, Lincoln Michel, Shawn Andrew Mitchell, Theresa O’Donnell, Ben Pelhan, Nick Francis Potter, Shelly Puhak, Marthe Reed, Li Sung, Cetoria Tomberlin, Brandi Wells, Maria Xia, and Changming Yuan.
Available for purchase at Wayne State University Press.