Anna Cabe /
June 6, 2018

About The Author

Anna Cabe

Anna Cabe is an MFA candidate in fiction at Indiana University and the nonfiction editor of Indiana Review. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Bitch, The Toast, SmokeLong Quarterly, Joyland, and Split Lip Magazine, among others. She was a 2015 Kore Press Short Fiction Award semifinalist, a finalist for Midwestern Gothic‘s Summer 2016 Flash Fiction Series, and a finalist for the 2015 Boulevard Short Fiction Contest for Emerging Writers. She will be a Fulbright Fellow in the Philippines from 2018 to 2019. You can find Anna at

Fairy tales are women’s stories, in a way other forms of literature often aren’t, passed as they are from grandmothers and mothers to their children. The tales I heard growing up were usually pointed cautionary ones:  Don’t go out alone at night or you’ll be harmed by men and become an angry ghost. The caution never stuck; one of the joys of fairy tales is the potential for transformation, for unexpected victory. The witch remains a figure of darkness, of sexuality, of subversion, of independence. What could be more powerful than a group of them disdaining the rules, even in suburbia?