Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, interns, or past...
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Fairy-Tale Files: Artemis and Actaeon
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, interns, or past...
Fairy-Tale Files: Orpheus and Eurydice
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, interns, or past...
Fairy-Tale Files: Rolling Heads
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, interns, or past...
Fairy-Tale Files: The Princess Stands Alone
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors (or contributors!)....
Fairy-Tale Files: Journeys with Odin & Jack
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors. Like a Shaman...
Fairy-Tale Files: The Deer in the Dream
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors. In this Chinese...
Fairy-Tale Files: Laughing Eye and Weeping Eye
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors. Also known as “The...
Fairy-Tale Files: Stubborn Children
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors. This miniature-sized...
Fairy-Tale Files: Brother and Sister
Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors. In the classic Grimm...