Fairy-Tale Files: Timeless Jinn

Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, readers, editorial assistants, or contributors. Jinn pictography, centuries old Jinn (or Genies in their anglicized form) are magical...

Fairy-Tale Files: Also-Ran Giants

Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, readers, editorial assistants, or contributors. When German, Polish and Czech fairy tales need a giant who fills the qualifications of...

Fairy-Tale Files: Power to the Pepper

Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, readers, editorial assistants, or contributors. For a fairy-tale protagonist, the ability to defend oneself through an unconventional method...

Pins & Needles No. 52: Joel Hans

No. 53: Joel Hans Q. How has being the prose and managing editor for the Fairy Tale Review changed your own writing style? If we talk about style as a matter of syntax and rhythm, it hasn’t changed much via Fairy Tale Review—I’ve found my own sources of...

Fairy-Tale Files: Meditations on Orpheus

Fairy-Tale Files, published once weekly, feature three variations of a fairy tale chosen by one of Fairy Tale Review’s editors, readers, editorial assistants, or contributors. It’s often said that the story of Orpheus and Eurydice is a poet’s myth, and that’s often...