The first literary journal to bring fabulism into the foreground.
Founded in 2005 by Kate Bernheimer, Fairy Tale Review is an annual literary journal dedicated to publishing new fairy tales and to helping raise public awareness of fairy tales as a diverse, innovative art form. Work from Fairy Tale Review has been selected for inclusion in The O. Henry Prize Stories Anthology, Best New American Voices, Best American Fantasy, Best Small Fictions, and listed as “Notable” in Best American Short Stories and Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, among other honors.
In 2012, Wayne State University Press approached Fairy Tale Review with interest in acquiring the journal; their office now deftly handles all production, subscription, and distribution services for us. We were honored to join Wayne State University Press’s other fairy-tale publications, including titles in the prestigious Series in Fairy-Tale Studies and Marvels & Tales: The Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies. In early 2014, through Wayne State University Press, Fairy Tale Review joined an amazing line-up of peer review journals on JStor.
Kate Bernheimer remains Fairy Tale Review’s editor and keeper.
The practice of retelling fairy tales in the form of literary fiction is, if not quite hallowed, certainly established. The great Angela Carter’s revelatory 1979 story collection, “The Bloody Chamber” — a brocaded work of heady sensuality, intelligence and violence — remains the benchmark, but Kate Bernheimer’s Fairy Tale Review and the several excellent Bernheimer-edited anthologies spun off from it carry the standard forward. Those are just some of the more overt homages; Western literature owes as much to fairy tales as it does to Greek myth and the Bible.
-The New York Times
Fairy Tale Review is proudly published by Wayne State University Press.
Subscription and back issues are also now available at Wayne State University website.
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Our People
Our Advisory Board
Donald Haase, Wayne State University
Maria Tatar, Harvard University
Jack Zipes, University of Minnesota
Contributing Editor: Timohty Schaffert, University of Nebraska
How to Contact Us
For editorial queries, please contact us at
Kate Bernheimer
Department of English
Modern Languages Building
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721